Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Child Molestation and Child Abuse-What's The Penalty?

It seems that whenever I sit down to watch television there is another case of child molestation. Let's be clear child molestation is child abuse. Yes, a child getting hit, kicked, a black eye is bad enough. Child molestation does not necessarily leave a scratch or a bruise. The pain of child molestation kills the heart and soul of the child being abused.


If an adult molests a child they should be imprisoned for life. This is not a normal human being. I know that you cannot just throw someone in prison for life without a trial. We need to implement a one strike your out rule in this country for child molesters. You molest once you go to prison for the rest of your life.

When I was in junior high and high school there were two girls that were neighbors who became pregnant. They were looked down upon, ridiculed, disliked, laughed at and even spit on. People in school thought they had gotten pregnant by a classmate. Well, guess again it was Daddy, yes you heard it. There own father was the father of their children. These girls kept this a secret until he died. What a burden to carry. If their had been tougher laws and a place to turn to they would probably had turned him into the police. So, here you go in my opinion and I will repeat it again, if you molest a child just once, you should go to prison for life.

                                    The offender should be in prison for life not the victim!

Todd Marciniak

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