Monday, April 11, 2011

Should Euthanasia Be Legal in the United States?

In my opinion euthanasia should not be legal in the United States of America. There are three state in America that euthanasia is legal, Oregon, Montana, and Washington state. Euthanasia is murder in my opinion we have hospice care for people who are terminally ill. Killing off our sick is not the right thing to do.

If our parents or grandparents are ill they should not be just thrown away. Administering an overdose of drugs is murder. We should not treat our loved ones like our pets. Do we just administer the overdose as though life has no meaning or should we just get a shot gun and blow their heads off and head off to the mortuary. Pulling the plug is different that overdosing a patient. Ending life support is not administering a life ending drug. If there is no hope and a person is on life support than the machines should be removed.

Dr. Jack Kevorkian is a very scary man he seems to think that he is the pro on assisted suicide. He is nothing but a murderer. The slippery slope comes in if you have a person with dementia or cannot speak for themselves and family members make the choice for them to be murdered.

There was a man in Germany who wanted a utopian society his name was Adolf Hitler. He euthanised many innocent and unwanted people. Do we want a person like Hitler to take rise in America and decide who deserves to live or die? It is my opinion that euthanasia is murder and should not be legal in the United States of America.

Todd Marciniak

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Should Newspaper Reporters Be Required to Reveal Their Sources?

In my opinion journalist should not be required to reveal their sources. If sources were made to be revealed journalists would not have sources and we would lose a valuable tool in investigating and solving crimes. If Woodward and Bernstein were forced to reveal their source in the Watergate scandal this would have put their credibility on the line. The case was solved in large part to having a source for the information needed.

When Judith Miller was investigating the Valerie Plame case she would not reveal her source and she was jailed for 85 days. This is the price a good journalist may pay by not revealing their source.

If their was a murder case and a journalist had a source that could crack the case they probably would not come forward if they knew that they could be revealed. This could be a huge loss for the courts and the families whose loved ones were murdered.

I am pretty sure if you asked Helen Thomas if sources should be revealed she would give you an earful on why sources should not be revealed.

Todd Marciniak

Monday, March 28, 2011

Should English Be Declared the Official Language of the United States?

I'm probably going to get some flack on my opinion on this topic. How many times do I need to hear "push two for Spanish"? This is America where we speak English. Our government makes it way too easy for immigrants to function in their native languages through bilingual education, multilingual ballots and driver's license exams not to mention government-funded translators in schools and hospitals.

In my travels to Europe and other countries most people in those countries know English. Why can't our citizens be required to know English. My father and his family were Polish immigrants and my grandparents made them speak English outside of the home as they were no longer in Poland they were in America. It was fine for them to speak Polish inside the home.

I think it is a respect issue if you live in America you should speak English. As an American if I am traveling to a different country perhaps France I purchase a travel dictionary. I do this so I atleast try to speak that language. Again, it is out of respect.

After all English is an international language why shouldn't we speak it in America?

Todd Marciniak

Monday, March 21, 2011

Should Bartenders Be Held Responsible for the Behavior of Their Patrons?

                                                 Who's Monitoring the Local Watering Hole?


We have all been to the local bar where their has been a drunk unruly customer. Who is at fault for this behavior? Now, I understand that the bartender is not a babysitter on the flip side the bartender should be aware as to how much booze a customer has consumed.
 The customer may not be drinking directly at the bar. If they are being waited on by a waiter or waitress they should report any over drinking and bad behavior.

This is not good behavior!

This is not great behavior to have in a bar. If someone becomes so intoxicated it is this writers opinion that the bar owner, the bartender, and or the waitstaff should be held responsible if their is a bar fight or even worse a drunk driving accident. The establishment should be in charge if someone has been over served and take the patrons car keys away and offer for a cab ride home. The alternative could be fatal.
Fatal Drunk Driving Accident

This is the alternative. We should all be responsible human beings. If we over drink in an establishment that establishment should cut you off and make sure you leave safely and do not operate a motor vehicle.

Todd Marciniak

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Should Tobacco Companies Be Held Responsible For Smoking Related Illnesses and Deaths?

                               Are Tobacco Companies On the Hook For Medical Bills and Funerals?
As a smoker myself I do not think that tobacco companies should be held responsible for my habit. I know the harm that smoking can do and yet I choose to smoke.


Where I have a problem is if a person is not informed or lied to about the dangers of smoking. Let me make it clear, this is not our parents generation of the 1920's, 30's 40's, and 50's where issues like this were covered up. It is 2011 and if you don't know that smoking is bad for you, you must be living under a rock.

Tobacco companies are in the business of making money just like any other business in America. If you are against smoking than don't smoke. There are so many frivilous lawsuits these days. You can sue if someone looks at you the wrong way.

Smokers are treated like second class citizens. They have been pushed out the door of restaurants, bars, and country clubs. If someone wants to smoke that is their right. Please if you are a smoker don't become spineless when you get a smoking related disease and sue the tobacco companies. You knew the risks. Buck Up!!!!

Todd Marciniak


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Child Molestation and Child Abuse-What's The Penalty?

It seems that whenever I sit down to watch television there is another case of child molestation. Let's be clear child molestation is child abuse. Yes, a child getting hit, kicked, a black eye is bad enough. Child molestation does not necessarily leave a scratch or a bruise. The pain of child molestation kills the heart and soul of the child being abused.


If an adult molests a child they should be imprisoned for life. This is not a normal human being. I know that you cannot just throw someone in prison for life without a trial. We need to implement a one strike your out rule in this country for child molesters. You molest once you go to prison for the rest of your life.

When I was in junior high and high school there were two girls that were neighbors who became pregnant. They were looked down upon, ridiculed, disliked, laughed at and even spit on. People in school thought they had gotten pregnant by a classmate. Well, guess again it was Daddy, yes you heard it. There own father was the father of their children. These girls kept this a secret until he died. What a burden to carry. If their had been tougher laws and a place to turn to they would probably had turned him into the police. So, here you go in my opinion and I will repeat it again, if you molest a child just once, you should go to prison for life.

                                    The offender should be in prison for life not the victim!

Todd Marciniak

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Should Sex and Violence On Television Or In the Movies Be Restricted?

It is in this writers opinion that it is up to parents to monitor what their children are viewing.

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at camera. fotosearch 
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and photo clipart
What message does it send a youngster to see sex and violence in movies and on television? I'll tell you, it sends the wrong message. It tells our children that sex and violence is acceptable in our American society.

In the early movies sex was restricted. If a man and woman were lying on a bed the man had to keep one foot on the ground. This shows limits. Today there are no limits. This tells our children that there are no limits. WRONG MESSAGE GUYS!!!!

The days of innocence are lost. However, It is not up to producers, directors, writers and the law to restrict what is seen in movies and on television. That is the job of a parent. Remember, a Mom and a Dad. The television has become a baby sitter for kids. On computers kids can view rawnchy sex until the cows come home. Parents need to restrict what children view. Parents need to monitor what children do on the computer. We have all heard of parental blocks for television and computers. It would be wise if you have children to  invest in this product. Kids grow up fast enough the way it is. Let's stop sending the wrong messages to our children!
Steamiest Sex Scenes

Todd Marciniak