Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Should Juvenile Offenders Be Tried And Punished As Adults?

Wow, this is a tough one. Or is it? My opinion on this matter is that if you are a juvenile and have been involved in three violent crimes you should be sent to prison.

File February 
   In February, Melanie Elaine Engleman was found guilty of second-degree murder by a jury in the stabbing death of William Christopher Linn. Judge Charlie Dorsey sentenced Engleman on July 1 to serve five years of a 30-year sentence. He sent her to adult prison but told her he wanted to give her a chance to realize her potential, thus the relatively short time to serve.

When I was growing up in the 1960's you heard of that one or two juveniles that were "trouble makers". It may have been skipping school, smoking dope, and or drinking alcohol. Now, we are in the year 2011. I cannot believe the horrible crimes that children are committing. Children are robbing, stealing, and murdering. In my opinion, if a child is charged with robbery or theft more that two times they need to go to juvenile detention until they are 18 years of age. No questions asked.

If a child or young adult under 18 years of age is charged with a violent crime three time, they should go to prison for the number of years applicable to the crime. No questions asked, it's prison!!!!

These young offenders can cry all they want. If you act like an adult you should be treated like an adult. We are pumping out drug using, sex offending, murdering children. We need to stop the madness.

This young man may look innocent or did he murder your grandmother. Well, if a young person murders your grandmother it should be off to prison for a life term. Period!!!!

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. We need to wake up in America to this situation. It is absolutely out of control and it is absolutely unacceptable to put up with this crap.

Todd Marciniak

1 comment:

  1. A child is incapable of being anything but a reflection of what is put into them. They do not have the cognitive capability to be anything else. They cannot murder any more than a bear or alligator can.
