Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Adoption Records, Should They Be Open?


I want to start by saying that I was adopted in 1964. I was raised by wonderful parents. My adoptive parents are my true parents. My birth parents only created me. They did not nurture me, teach me how to do math or read, discipline me or praise me. My opinion on adoption records being open is a resounding "NO". My adoption was a closed adoption. My adoptive parents told me that they would not be offended if I found my birth parents, however, they also told me that they would not assist in the search. If we open records it is in my opinion that people who do not want to be found will be hunted down. Many birth parents have held there putting a child up for adoption a secret there whole lives. On the other hand, if records were opened, my birth parents might hunt me down. At this point in my life I am not ready to meet them and I don't know if I ever will. My adoptive parents in my mind are my true parents. My siblings were also adopted. My sister found her parents and had a relationship for three years. One day out of the blue my sister recieved a telephone call from her birth mom stating that she never wanted to speak to her again. This threw my sister into a tail spin. She was hurt and confused.

I believe that if you were adopted through a closed adoption, the birth parents and the adoptive child need to go through that agency to contact either side. There are plans in place through a closed adoption and they are to protect both sides.

I feel that some celebrities are plastering their adopted children all over the media. Where is the respect and privacy that I had as an adopted child?


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