Monday, April 11, 2011

Should Euthanasia Be Legal in the United States?

In my opinion euthanasia should not be legal in the United States of America. There are three state in America that euthanasia is legal, Oregon, Montana, and Washington state. Euthanasia is murder in my opinion we have hospice care for people who are terminally ill. Killing off our sick is not the right thing to do.

If our parents or grandparents are ill they should not be just thrown away. Administering an overdose of drugs is murder. We should not treat our loved ones like our pets. Do we just administer the overdose as though life has no meaning or should we just get a shot gun and blow their heads off and head off to the mortuary. Pulling the plug is different that overdosing a patient. Ending life support is not administering a life ending drug. If there is no hope and a person is on life support than the machines should be removed.

Dr. Jack Kevorkian is a very scary man he seems to think that he is the pro on assisted suicide. He is nothing but a murderer. The slippery slope comes in if you have a person with dementia or cannot speak for themselves and family members make the choice for them to be murdered.

There was a man in Germany who wanted a utopian society his name was Adolf Hitler. He euthanised many innocent and unwanted people. Do we want a person like Hitler to take rise in America and decide who deserves to live or die? It is my opinion that euthanasia is murder and should not be legal in the United States of America.

Todd Marciniak

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Should Newspaper Reporters Be Required to Reveal Their Sources?

In my opinion journalist should not be required to reveal their sources. If sources were made to be revealed journalists would not have sources and we would lose a valuable tool in investigating and solving crimes. If Woodward and Bernstein were forced to reveal their source in the Watergate scandal this would have put their credibility on the line. The case was solved in large part to having a source for the information needed.

When Judith Miller was investigating the Valerie Plame case she would not reveal her source and she was jailed for 85 days. This is the price a good journalist may pay by not revealing their source.

If their was a murder case and a journalist had a source that could crack the case they probably would not come forward if they knew that they could be revealed. This could be a huge loss for the courts and the families whose loved ones were murdered.

I am pretty sure if you asked Helen Thomas if sources should be revealed she would give you an earful on why sources should not be revealed.

Todd Marciniak